Sunday, February 26, 2012

Training and Racing with Kids

As I mentioned earlier, I have two great kids, Grace who is a shade over 3 years old, and, Liam, who is a little under 2 years old. Training and racing for Rebecca and myself is atricky endeavour. We have two single joggers and one double, which is the one we use the most, for obvious reasons. The double jogger is a B.O.B. Ironman edition, is bright yellow with awesome looking M-Dots emblazoned on, which is the symbol of the Ironman. When we have the jogger fully loaded with Grace, Liam, assorted sippy cups, snacks, water bottles, cell-phones, and keys, the stroller weighs over 100 pounds. Our training runs usually take place around our neighbor hood, which is normally fine, since we live in the middle of nowhere. We have raced with the double jogger and, believe me, we get some strange looks when we come through. Rebecca and I raced in a 10K last summer on the 4th of July in Foxborough, Ma and we finished off the run by running across the 50 yard line on the same field on which the Patriots play their home games . . . while pushing the stroller. Let me tell you, that stroller looks awesome when up on the huge jumbotron screen at Gillette stadium.

Having a spouse who races as well makes things a lot easier. Rebecca and I know that when the other person has a priority race coming up, we allow the other person to go off and run alone while the other pushes the stroller for our runs. We also incorporate our normal errands into our training. For example, if we need some groceries from the market, I may run to the store to meet Rebecca and the kids, and she will run home, as I unload the kids and groceries. Biking gets a little tricky, since we can't pull the kids on our racing bikes for the several hours we need to be on the bikes. We often alternate days and races so that the other person feels like they can get whatever training and racing they feel is necessary.

Last year, Rebecca and I both entered the Mooseman 70.3 (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run) triathlon in New Hampshire. We brought the kids with us and Rebeccas' parents, Rich and Melinda, were so awesome to come up to the race site to watch the kids all day while we raced. Now, I've done a boatload of races since I started in the sport, but noting compares to that moment when you get to run by the spot your kids are hanging out and get to give them a hug and a kiss before you get going back on your way. Crossing the finish line and then holding your children in your arms, as painful as it may be sometimes, is one of the best feelings in the world!!

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